What are the different outcomes of cancelInvestment?

cancelInvestment will perform all of the functions necessary to fully cancel and/or refund an investment. This will vary based on the current status of the trade and payment.

cancelInvestment will perform all of the functions necessary to fully cancel and/or refund an investment. This will vary based on the current status of the trade and payment. 

  • "Created" trade status with no payment:
    • Trade status is updated to "Canceled" and no refund will be processed.
  • "Created" trade status with "Pending" payment:
    • Trade status is updated to "Canceled" and payment is automatically voided.
  • "Created" trade status with "Returned" payment:
    • Trade status is updated to "Canceled" and no refund will be processed.
  • "Created" trade status with "Submitted" payment:
    • A return request will be initiated and will remain in queue until the funds are eligible to be refunded. The trade status will remain "Created" until the payment status is updated to "Settled" (this means payment was successfully processed and received). Our escrow ops team initiates the refund, which will automatically update the trade status to "Unwind Pending."  Once the funds are successfully returned, the trade status will update to "Unwind Settled."
  • "Funded" trade status with "Settled" payment:
    • Trade status is updated to "Unwind Pending." A return request will be initiated and will process once the funds are eligible to be refunded. Once the funds are successfully returned, the trade status will update to "Unwind Settled."


Here are some additional resources:

How long does it take for a return to process?

What are the different Trade Statuses and what do they mean?

What are payment statuses and what do they mean?