What does the error "Already requested" mean for requestKycAml? How can a KYC/AML re-review be initiated via API?

Because requestKycAml can only be called once per Party ID, updateKycAmlStatus must be utilized to notify our review team if a party needs to be reviewed again.

Because requestKycAml can only be called once per Party ID, updateKycAmlStatus must be utilized to notify our review team if a party needs to be reviewed again. There are two possible statuses that can be sent via updateKycAmlStatus: "New Info Added" and "Updated Review Requested." 

  • "New Info Added" - notifies our review team that the requested documents have been uploaded to the party. This is used during an ongoing review in response to a "Needs More Info" status. 
  • "Updated Review Requested" - initiates a new re-review of the party (in scenarios where a KYC/AML review was performed and completed previously on this party).

To receive notifications when our review team updates a KYC or AML status to "Needs More Info," subscribe to the updateKycAmlRequest webhook.